Is Your Blog post Copied Elsewhere!!

The main reason for rejecting your blog by Google in the AdSense is copied contents in your site. 

If you copy the content from any other website, it can be easily detected by the google using different software's. Or if your bog content is copied by some other site then also there is a more chance of rejection of your blog. How can you check whether your content is copied?

Copied Blog Post
There is a website called Copyscape, where you can just type the url of your site into the space provided there and just click it. Within seconds they will show all the post from different site which have same contents. 

CopyScape provides both free service and premium services. This site can check upto 10,000 pages in a single search. 

It is considered as the web's most powerful plagiarism search. Through this website bloggers can easily check their site about the copied conents in their blog. Unique contents are always appreciated by the Google Adsense. 


  1. Amazing site and it provide a tool for checking plagiarism which is very helpful for us. CopyScape provides both free service and premium services. This site can check upto 10,000 pages in a single search. Great Article.
    General Accounting System

  2. Copyscape is an online plagiarism detection service that checks whether similar text content appears elsewhere on the web. that is very helpful for save site. thanks for providing this tool.
    University Management System

  3. Some site provide premium tool and that can also perform same function with a little bit changing. your site is amazing and helpful for us. thanks for Sharing it.

  4. The free version of Copyscape searches for similar or identical websites. The premium version scans a piece of writing that you submit and searches other. that is major difference in it .... can you plz tel me you provide premium version or not.


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